Make your components scroll on mouse drag in Nuxt js
I have multiple column tables and hard to scroll and get the exact data. And then finally I got a package vue-dragscroll and solved the problem.
vue-dragscroll is a micro vue.js directive that enables scrolling via holding the mouse button (“drag and drop” or “click and hold” style).
Nuxt js
npm install vue-dragscroll
Create a plugin
import Vue from 'vue';import VueDragscroll from 'vue-dragscroll';Vue.use(VueDragscroll);
Vue.component('VueDragscroll', VueDragscroll);
Add plugin into nuxt.config.js
plugins: [ {src: '~/plugins/drag-scroll', ssr: false }],
Now use it anywhere in your application.
<div v-dragscroll>// scrollable data</div>
Vue 2
npm install vue-dragscroll
Install globally (main.js)
import Vue from 'vue'import VueDragscroll from 'vue-dragscroll'Vue.use(VueDragscroll)(Or) Install for a single componentimport { dragscroll } from 'vue-dragscroll'export default { directives: { dragscroll }}
npm install vue-dragscroll
Install globally (main.js)
import { createApp } from 'vue'import { dragscrollNext } from "vue-dragscroll";import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App);app.directive('dragscroll', dragscrollNext);app.mount('#app')
Just add the directive to the parent element
<div v-dragscroll> ... <div> <!-- For more control --><div v-dragscroll="true"> ... <div>
Read official documentation here.
A directive with nochilddrag argument
<div v-dragscroll:nochilddrag> ... <div>
This will only enable drag-scrolling for an element itself, but not for its children. Check this example